Big Dreamers & Change-Makers. 


OH HEY THERE, I’M LINDSAY TAYLOR—creative director, brand expert, and owner of taylored image

I’ve been at this whole branding and design thing a while now (25+ years and counting!). I’m notoriously known for my unabashed use of exclamation points (!!!) and my ability to sing every word of “Ice Ice Baby” without Googling the lyrics.

I started moonlighting as a freelance designer back in 1997, while I was in design school at Northeastern University. My freelance clients grew to a point where I’d officially worked myself out of my corporate job, and in 2004 I was able to start pursuing my dream of owning my own design studio.

I’ve seen time and time again the rippling impact and life-changing power of a well-executed brand. It’s why I’m so passionate about diving deep into the heart and soul of your business and creating that one-of-a-kind, good-golly, gosh-darn-it brand that drops jaws, turns heads, and gives them an experience they won’t soon forget.

I work with clients from all over the country, and bring the expertise and resources of a large design agency, while making you feel like wearing your favorite pair of jammy pants. Working with me is comfy, cozy, and you may just feel like we’ve been friends forever!

And don’t worry, I’ll make sure I give you a kick in those pants when you need it—for those times you’re second-guessing yourself and doubting your full potential.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, I’d love to be the visionary by your side who’ll help get you there. And I don’t stop until it feels JUST RIGHT!!!

What kind of magic will we make together?

Brand Basics

Your brand identity is what makes people say, “Oh, that’s the feisty gal who’s out there changing the world with her business!” You deserve that kind of recognition!

Brand Bundle

The whole she-bang and brand overhaul! I leave no stone unturned in helping you determine the elements you need and guide you every step of the way.

Brand Bits

If you already have an existing brand and are ready to bring it to the next level, with some added bells and whistles, these brand “goodies” are calling your name!

Brand Brainstorm

In need of someone to spitball ideas about your brand? Looking for advice on how to grow it? I’m here for it! I offer brand consults to help you plan, implement, and dream bigger! 

Client Testimonial

“I credit Lindsay with helping to make our brand and packaging just how we envisioned it. Her attention to detail is out of this world and she doesn’t stop until it’s perfect. Like I tell everyone, you can work with gold or you can work with Lindsay and get platinum.”

J. Leff, Owner of Parker Mountain Comfort Wraps

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